Anyone find getting prepared for a your yearly family portrait session stressful?! No matter how many people you have to wrangle for a portrait session, it is a lot of work. We want to give you some of our professional tips for making your next family portrait session go as smoothly as possible!

1. Rested. Right after sleep is usually when children are ready to go! Mornings after they have had time to wake up and afternoons after they have had time to take a nap. Both are great times to schedule your portrait session. A rested child is a happy child!

2. Fed. After they wake up, second is food! No one likes being hangry! So make sure you have fed them so they are in a nice food coma upon arrival at your portrait session.

3. Dressed. Don’t dress your child until you are ready to go! You don’t want them to get any of that breakfast or lunch on their adorable new outfit! Plus when you arrive at your portrait session dressed, you can start right away with no fussing!

4. Intensive. On the way to your portrait session, talk about what will happen after the session if they corporate. It can be as simple as an ice cream or a lollipop…we have lollipops in our studio and always use them to our advantage! To even a fun play date or movie!
And that is it! With those four…hopefully easy steps…make sure all adults are helping each other!!! You will be ready for your family portrait session!
Denver | 303-825-1974|