Bloom Portraits » Denver Family & Children Photography Blog

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The Kelly Family | Denver Children Photography

This birthday girl just turned one! We here at Bloom Portraits have watched her grow throughout her Tiny Sprouts one year baby plan.

Take a peek below at a small preview of her session!

& Call us today to ask us about our Tiny Sprouts baby plan, as well as our one-year Cake Smash Sessions!

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Carol Ziegelbein - August 13, 2014 - 12:27 PM

What great eyes! Such a happy girl. Aaron says get a lock for the door.

Big Sister Little Bro | Denver Children’s Photography

Baby L came in for his 6 months Tiny Sprouts session and big sis came along for moral support (really for her 3 year old photos). We always love seeing our clients grow up in front of our cameras. We can’t get enough of his cuteness and big sis was such a big help. Can’t wait to see you for your 1 year.

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Baby L came in for his 6 months Tiny Sprouts session and big sis came along for moral support (really for her 3 year old photos). We always love seeing our clients grow up in front of our cameras. We can’t get enough of his cuteness and big sis was such a big help. Can’t wait to see you for your 1 year.